Rohan Jain
Emacs: Flymake with virtualenvs in python-mode
Lately, I have been writing some python with emacs. So, I have been trying to
get the popular checkers (pylint
) to work with flymake and
virtualenvs. The issues with existing solutions to get flymake working with the
checkers is that most of them assume a global version of executable (which would
be fine if it weren’t for the whole python 2 and 3 incompatibility).
The python-mode
in the latest emacs versions (mine is 24.3.1
) includes a
basic support for virtualenvs
. I run pylint/pyflakes
through the command
with the environment variables calculated from the functions provided by
. Here is the code extracted from my
emacs configuration:
(defun python-calculate-env ()
"Calculate env variables for current python virtualenv."
;; ;; This also overrides PYTHONHOME to "", which breaks the process
;; ;; environment. Otherwise, a neat idea.
;; (mapcar
;; (lambda (string)
;; (let ((splitted-string (split-string string "=")))
;; (format
;; "%s=\"%s\""
;; (car splitted-string)
;; (or (cadr splitted-string)
;; ""))))
;; (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)))
(lambda (x)
;; If environment
(string-match " " x)
(not (string-match "=" x))))
(defun python-virtualenv-exec (command args)
"Generate a flymake friendly list executable in virtualenv, for provided
(list "env" (append (python-calculate-env) (list command) args)))
(when (load "flymake" t)
(defun flymake-python-init ()
(let* ((temp-file (flymake-init-create-temp-buffer-copy
(local-file (file-relative-name
(file-name-directory buffer-file-name))))
;; Pylint args. Will depend on the checker being used.
"-r" "n"
"--msg-template='{path}:{line}:{category} [{msg_id} {obj}] {msg}'"
(add-to-list 'flymake-allowed-file-name-masks
'("\\.py\\'" flymake-python-init)))
(defun flymake-mode-hook-function ()
(when (derived-mode-p 'python-mode)
(flymake-mode t)))
;; Run flymake mode hook function after the local variables are set (eg: through
;; .dir-locals.el
(add-hook 'hack-local-variables-hook #'flymake-mode-hook-function)
(setq virtualenv-workon-starts-python nil)